Wednesday, November 11, 2009

amarillo trip

We went to Amarillo over the weekend. We had a great time! Graham did so great in the car. When he did get fussy, all we did was sing him "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes" and he was happy again...well for a minute at least. He also got to meet great grandma Lutz!! Graham's loves in the last month: standing with support for longer periods of time, sitting by himself (well for 30 seconds anyway), getting his knees up underneath him, shaking a rattle, saying his first word "mama" even though he doesn't know it yet, rolling around like crazy, turning from a brown headed boy to a blondie, laughing all the time, and eating rice cereal like a mad man!

1 comment:

  1. Graham is such a cutie!!! I love the pic with all three of you and the poinsettas!
