Wednesday, May 19, 2010

a day in the life of my little man

He's not always happy first thing in the morning. He'll be better after a bottle. His little sad face is so precious though.

Eating rice cereal and waving at Mommy.

On the way to the YMCA.

Such a wiggle worm in the bathtub. He loves his bath toys...even when he's not in the tub.

He spends most of his day walking around with little toys in his hands.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

yard work...

All day Saturday, Jeff and I spent digging out weeds and planting new flowers. It always takes longer to do yard work than you think, but we're real excited with how it turned out. Graham was so good! He loved pulling the grass...think he mowed a little section for us. Next year, we'll get him on the weeds, just kidding. These pictures were taken before we had time to clean up...the sun was going down. I added a picture of our little helper too!