Monday, April 2, 2012

Who do they look like?

I've been trying to back up all of my photos lately, and ran across a few of Jeff and I as babies. It's so fun to look at them to see who Graham and Eloise look like. I see so much of Jeff in Graham. I didn't see that much of him until I looked at these pictures. Especially the one of Jeff at Graham's age. I see a little of me in him too...a good mix. Eloise looks a lot like I sweet!
Me at 2.
Jeff with his grandmother
Jeff was probably 2.5 here...Graham's age.
Here's my sweet girl pretty much sitting up.
Graham had so much fun dying Easter eggs.
I can't believe it, but E turned 5 months today. She got her first tooth today too...big day!

Eloise at 5 months:
-She got her first tooth.
-She's almost sitting. She can sit without support for about 30 seconds before falling over.
-She started eating one serving of rice cereal which has helped her sleep straight through the night. (8 to 8)
-She found her feet in the last couple of weeks.

Graham at 34 months:
-He can tell me all of his friends names.
-He told me that he loved me without prompting for the first time.
-He loves going to school...I hope he continues to love it.