Monday, September 12, 2011

Potty Training

It has been my goal to get Graham potty trained before Eloise arrives. We were planning to do it over the long Labor Day weekend but several things came up. On Saturday, we officially started and had 20 accidents. But by Saturday night, he had gone potty in the potty three times...such a big boy! Sunday morning didn't start out that well...he probably had 8 accidents before nap. After nap though, it started to click. He went potty several times and even pooped in the potty...which I've heard is especially hard for little boys to do. Today, he woke up dry and didn't have an accident until 8pm!!! I wouldn't even call it an accident really...just a dribble. I know that's a lot of detail but I just want to brag on him a little.

We did the 3 Day Potty Training by Lora Jenson. If you don't know about the program, she has us remove the diapers FOREVER on morning one. We don't even put Graham in a pull-up for naps or night time. So many people told me that it would probably not happen within the three days, but I just knew he could do it. Jeff and I really tried to stay optimistic, and it's paid off!


  1. Our sister-in-law just did this method as well and it also worked...who says they can't be potty trained in three days...woohoo!

    Jenny Valentine

  2. way to go little g!!! such a big boy!
