Thursday, July 28, 2011


So, I almost had a heart attack yesterday. All of a sudden I heard someone banging on the toilet seat. When I got to the door and tried to open it, my stomach was locked! Graham and Raylee locked the door. So I ran to get the little key to unlock it, but it wouldn't work. I called Jeff in a panic, trying to figure out if I was doing something wrong. I still couldn't figure it out, so he left the office to come help me. During this time, I'm worried and frustrated at these two little guys. I kept asking for them to talk to me...just to make sure they were okay. Lots of things can happen with two year olds in about 2 seconds. I had Rex stand guard while I ran to my next door neighbor to see if she could help. She brought over this nifty little tool (that I must go out and buy now). After a few minutes of work, we got the handle off...but couldn't get it opened. Finally, after what seemed life forever...we got the door open! OH MAN!!! And poor Jeff was already on his way...but because of it...we got a few extra minutes to spend with him.

The bathroom must be a new fascinating place for both two year olds because today they managed to get in there again...even after they were disciplined for their behavior from the day before. Fortunately, they did not lock the door this time; however, they did manage to get into all of my extra baby soaps and lotions. Raylee unscrewed the lid to one of the soaps and poured it all over herself. OH NO!!!! You'd think I wasn't paying attention, but I swear both things occurred within seconds. They are so sly...

Let's hope I don't have any more bathroom incidents tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

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