Tuesday, December 7, 2010

time goes so fast...

Wow! It's official, Graham is 18 months old. I know 18 months is just a month older than 17...but man it sounds old. So quickly he's turning from baby to little boy. We went to see Dr. Daniels today, our pediatrician. Graham is pretty much on track with all other 18 month olds...except that he's still in the 90th + percentile for height, weight and head circumference. Today he weighed in at 30 lbs. 10 oz. and was 34 1/2 inches tall. He's just one big boy...I mean he's totally proportioned, but he's got his uncle's height. He's right on track with hiscommunication skills, but I think they need a little work. Jeff and I counted the number of words he can say tonight, and we reached 10 (maybe 11 if you count "ahh" as a word after he takes a big drink). Those "b" words seem to be hard. He's mastered the "d" and "m" sounds. I think this is one of my favorite ages so far. He's getting a little more independent and can play without me by his side. This has been helpful because I can get a little laundry or housecleaning done during the day. He's so interactive, dances to any music he hears, and loves to laugh. He's figured out how to tickle us, and he thinks that is hilarious! There are so many wonderful things about our 18 month old little man, that I could go on all night but I think I'll end it here. We're still taking monthly pictures, so here's one from the other day.

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