December was a really busy month, but it was so fun! We did a little bit of everything. I posted several pictures on facebook, and I've been torn about whether to blog about them too....but here they are. Over the next few days, I'll post pictures and info about each activity we did in December. Today, I'm posting the pictures from the Richardson Christmas Festival. For years, I've always wondered what the mini houses outside of the Richardson Public Library on Arapaho were used for, but now I know it's for Christmas. Each little house had a theme: like Frosty's house or Dr. Suess' house. Santa was there too...but the line was over an hour long and it was freezing outside. We went on a Thursday night...thinking it wouldn't be as crowdedduring the week...but it was still crazy! There were so many kids and teenagers roaming around.As we were leaving, Graham made a friend. The boys were running around in circleschasing each other and screaming. He had so much fun, and we loved watching him interact. After that, Graham was so wound up and did not want to go home with boring Mommy andDaddy. We had a good time though.
These are priceless... especially the one with Frosty haha :D